The Bible is God's BIG Story of grace climaxing in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Every book in the Bible is one small part of this larger story and is pointing us in some way to Jesus. Each message in our Route 66 series looks at one of the 66 books of the Bible. In this part of our series, we look at the first 5 books of the Old Testament, also known as the 5 books of Moses.


Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:11-20
Date: 3/9/2014


Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Passages
Date: 2/16/2014


Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Passages
Date: 2/9/2014


Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Passages
Date: 2/2/2014


Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Passages
Date: 1/26/2014

How is the Bible Organized?

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Passages
Date: 1/19/2014

What’s the Bible All About?

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Passages
Date: 1/12/2014

Why Read the Bible?

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Passages
Date: 1/5/2014

Explore the ROUTE 66 Series