1350 Osos Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Office Hours:
9AM - 4PM | Mon - Thurs
8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
What to expect on Sunday:
• A 70 to 75 minute service
• Blended worship with contemporary and traditional music styles
• Expository preaching either in-person or via video on a rotating basis
• Communion on a monthly basis
• Time to connect before, during, and after the service
• GraceKids classes for infants through 5th grade
• Middle School & High School Youth Connect during the 10:15 AM service
• Youth Parent Connect classes and Adult Seminars during the 10:15 AM service
Sunday Kids’ Programs:
Our SLO Campus offers amazing GraceKids Sunday School Classes for children Nursery - 5th Grade on Sunday Mornings.
During both the 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM Services, our loving teachers and helpers work through age-appropriate crafts, games, and lessons that point our GraceKids to Jesus.
Sunday Youth Programs:
Our SLO Campus offers amazing Kids and Youth Programs on Sundays and Wednesdays.
During our second service, at 10:15 AM, our GraceYouth students meet for a Sunday Connect in the basement of our SLO Campus. At Sunday Connect, your student will meet with our High School Youth Pastor, Nick and Middle School Youth Coordinator, Ben for a time in scripture, discussion of the message, and of course some fun games.
We exist to help people find and follow Jesus in San Luis Obispo. We are on mission together as a church family to care for our community and see more and more people come to know Jesus.
Our SLO Campus is not just active on Sunday mornings but is bustling with activity throughout the week as well. We have midweek ministries for every age and stage and often host events for the community as well. We would love to have you visit the SLO Campus!
Campus Pastor:
Chris Rhodes
Email Pastor Chris

These groups let us know and be known by others. We believe that Gospel transformation happens in the context of small groups.
Join a group today!