Covenant Membership
Give Financially
Here at Grace, our primary mission is to help people find & follow Jesus. Our Next Steps are designed to help those ready to begin their new life in Jesus or who want to continue following him by taking the Next Step.
Our COMMIT Next Step is for those of you ready to commit to Grace Central Coast through Covenant Membership or financial giving.
We’re convinced commitment and accountability to a local church is vital for those who follow Jesus. We also believe giving is just another way we worship together as a local church. We would love to help you commit to Grace Central Coast if you are ready for that next step.
WHY Covenant Membership?
Here at Grace Central Coast, we believe that though every local church is and will always be broken and imperfect, commitment to and active involvement in a local church is part of God’s plan for those who follow and trust Jesus Christ. Jesus loves a broken, messed up bride, and He calls us to love her, too! Local church involvement and commitment is not optional but essential for Christian believers! Developing a realistic and Biblical perspective about the local church is key to cultivating a healthy and long-lasting commitment to a local church.
If you’re interested in taking the step of Covenant Membership, join us for our next class happening on Saturday, February 1st, at 9 AM on our Five Cities Campus. You don’t have to be ready to become a Covenant Member yet. You can just come to learn more about our church. We welcome your questions!
Becoming a Covenant Member involves attending our Covenant Membership Class and committing to our Grace Central Coast Covenant and Relational Commitments.