Foster the Central Coast

Our vision for Foster the Central Coast is to utilize the Church body and ensure that all foster families in our community have a team of support committed to walking with them through their fostering journey. We desire to partner with other local churches and members of our community to bring to life our vision of “A home for every child, and support for every home.”


Support Friends

Statistics tell us that within the first year of becoming a foster parent over ½ drop out. However, foster parents stand a much greater chance of being successful if they have a team of committed people eager to share in the highs and lows of fostering with them. Our goal is to ensure that every foster family have an average of 4 Support Friends who – for the duration of a placement – come alongside the foster family and support and care where needed. If you are interested in becoming a support friend, please download and email these two forms to

Foster Families

In San Luis Obispo County, there are approximately 400 children in foster care, and only 125 current foster families in our area. Foster the Central Coast is committed to serving vulnerable children and individuals and families following God’s call to foster. If you are a current foster parent, or are interested in becoming a licensed foster family, we would love to get in touch with you so that we can begin supporting you in your fostering journey. Please fill out the form below and email it to