Jesus and the End of John’s Gospel

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 21:17-25
Date: 5.26.24

We come to the end of our long study of John’s gospel, and even here we see several life-shaping truths about Jesus. 

Jesus and the Religious Leaders   

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Texts
Date: 5.19.24

In John’s Gospel, Jesus’ harshest words are directed to the religious insiders and religious leaders. This is striking and a warning to our own hearts! 

Jesus and Women in John's Gospel

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: Various Texts
Date: 5.12.24

As John begins the epilogue of his gospel, he recounts how Jesus revealed himself to His disciples through a miracle and a meal that reminds them of who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s sending the disciples to do.

Jesus and Peter’s Restoration

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 21:12-19
Date: 5.5.24

How do you deal with your sin and failure? How does Jesus deal with our sin and us sinners? What does it mean to repent, and how do we do it? The answers to these questions are all right here in this breakfast conversation between Peter and Jesus in John 21:12-19.

Jesus and a Renewed Calling

Speaker: Darren Nelson
Scripture: John 21:1-14
Date: 4.28.24

As John begins the epilogue of his gospel, he recounts how Jesus revealed himself to His disciples through a miracle and a meal that reminds them of who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s sending the disciples to do.

Jesus and the Purpose of John's Gospel 

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 20:29-31
Date: 4.21.24

Everyone believes something about the origin of life, the meaning of life and what happens at the end of life! Jesus claims to be the unique Son of God who alone can give us eternal life. Is that claim believable? Why would we believe Jesus' claim? Why might reject Jesus' claim?

Jesus and Thomas 

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 20:24-29
Date: 4.14.24

The story of Thomas both confirms and confronts our doubts and at the same time calls and challenges us to believe the Risen Jesus. John places this story right here as the climax of his Gospel for just this reason!

Jesus and His Appearance to the Disciples 

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 20:19-29
Date: 4.7.24

When Jesus appears to the disciples, the first thing He does is show them His scars. We look to a Savior with resurrection scars! Here in John 20, He tells us what His scars mean for us.


Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 19:38 - John 20:18
Date: 3.31.2024

Jesus says, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Then John records that it happened: Jesus rose from the dead! In his eyewitness testimony, John tells us 3 things about the truth of the Resurrection to help us believe it.


Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 19:16-37
Date: 3.28.2024

Jesus Our King 

Speaker: Miles Nelson
Scripture: John 18:37-19:16
Date: 3.24.24

As the tension grows between Pilate and the religious leaders, the kingship of Jesus is put on full display. In the continuation of this interaction we see 4 aspects of Jesus our king and how we in turn should respond.

A Flourishing Heart

Speaker: Bret Martin
Scripture: John 18:26-40
Date: 3.17.24

God calls people to a flourishing life in Jesus. Today’s message identifies areas of competition with Jesus’ rule—and calls each of us to cultivate a believing heart to thrive in Christ.

Faithful Through Our Failures 

Speaker: Darren Nelson
Scripture: John 18:12-27
Date: 3.10.24

Today we look into John's account of Peter denying Jesus. While Jesus suffers unjustly on His way to the cross, Peter's denials show his imperfection and need for the sacrifice of Jesus. We all relate to Peter, and John's account helps us to see and understand our own imperfections, so we can experience Christ's perfection.


Speaker: Darren Nelson
Scripture: John 18:12-14 & John 18:19-24
Date: 3.3.24

As he moves his Gospel account into the final day of Jesus’s life, John recounts how Jesus willingly endured injustice and evil from the religious leaders. We look deep into this account of hatred against Jesus to see why it happened and what that means for us today.

Jesus and His Betrayal 

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 18:1-11
Date: 2.25.24

As Jesus is betrayed and arrested in John 18:1-11, He shows us who He is and the beauty and comfort of His Gospel for us.

Jesus and His Prayer for Us

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 17:17-26
Date: 2.18.24

In John 17, Jesus is praying the longest prayer recorded in the four Gospels just before His arrest and crucifixion. The prayer is massive in scope, truth, themes, and significance. We come today to the third part of the prayer where Jesus prays for us!

Jesus and His prayer for His Followers

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 17:6-19
Date: 2.11.24

In John 17, Jesus is praying the longest prayer recorded in the four Gospels just before His arrest and crucifixion. The prayer is massive in scope, truth, themes, and significance. We come today to the second part of the prayer where Jesus prays for His first followers.

Jesus and His prayer for His Mission

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 17:1-5
Date: 2.4.24

In John 17, Jesus is praying the longest prayer recorded in the four Gospels just before His arrest and crucifixion. The prayer is massive in scope, truth, themes, and significance.

Jesus and His Resurrection Authority

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 16:22-33
Date: 1.28.24

As the hour of Jesus' death for sins approaches, Jesus perspective seems to shift. It's as if he's already on the other side of the agony. It's as if he's already risen from the dead. He speaks as if it's already happened. Here in John 16:22-33 we notice Jesus and His resurrection authority.

Jesus and Resurrection Joy

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 16:16-22
Date: 1.21.24

In John 16, Jesus tells his twelve disciples that he will turn their sorrow into joy when they see him again and that no one will be able to take this joy from them. This is the great promise of the Gospel for all who look to Jesus.

Jesus and the Work of the Spirit

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 15:26 - 16:15
Date: 1.14.24

In John 16, Jesus speaks of the work of the Spirit in both believers and not-yet-believers. This is truth that can give us great confidence and assurance.

Jesus and the Hatred of the World

Speaker: Nick Shorts
Scripture: John 15:18 - 16:4a
Date: 1.7.24

During the Last Supper, Jesus gives His final instructions for His disciples which includes a very real warning of impending hatred from the world. This caution serves to correct our expectations of faith in Christ, but also challenges us to live like Jesus, no matter the cost.


Speaker: Nick Shorts
Scripture Reading: Psalm 138
Date: 11.26.23

This Thanksgiving week, we take a look at David’s praise song in Psalm 138 and give thanks for God’s sure victory.

Jesus and Our Fruitfulness

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 15:1-17
Date: 11.19.2023

We return to our study of Jesus' Vine/Branches picture in John 15 to explore the Vinedresser's work and our fruitfulness.

I am the true vine

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 15:1-17
Date: 11.12.2023

"I AM the True Vine." Jesus speaks the 7th I AM statement the John's Gospel in John 15:1, and, not surprisingly, it's a statement full of Old Testament allusions and practical meaning for us.

Jesus and the Blessing of the Spirit

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 14:12-31
Date: 11.5.2023

In this third message in John 14, we discover what Jesus says about the blessing of the Spirit, in two of the five texts about the Spirit in Jesus' Farewell Discourse.

I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 14:6-11
Date: 10.29.2023

We continue our study of Jesus' "Farewell Discourse" with a look at four Gospel truths in John 14:6-11.

Jesus and Our True Home

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 14:1-6
Date: 10.22.2023

What troubles your heart today? Jesus says in John 14:1, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” There are multiple reasons why the hearts of the disciples with Jesus in the upper room are troubled. And our hearts are troubled too! Jesus knows. Jesus cares. Jesus offers an amazing, effective prescription for our troubled hearts in John 14. 

Jesus and a New Commandment 

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 13:31-38
Date: 10.15.2023

In John 13:31, Jesus begins to prepare His followers for their mission to the world. Because their mission is our mission, there’s much for us to learn here. So let’s enter the Upper Room again and learn from Jesus!   

Jesus and Judas

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 13:12-30
Date: 10.8.2023

What do we do with the Judas? More importantly, what can we learn from Judas? Let’s make some observations from the text of John 13 and learn some lessons together. 

Jesus and the Hour of Glory

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 12:23-36
Date: 5.28.2023

As Jesus nears the cross in John's Gospel He says, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified." Here in John 12, we consider, why the cross is the hour of glory and its impact on Jesus, on others, and on us.

Jesus and His Coronation as King!

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 12:1-26
Date: 5.21.2023

Our hearts long for a king, someone who will lead us and protect us. But kings are often despotic and exploit the people they rule. In John 12, we see the strange coronation of Jesus, the True and Better King.

Jesus and the Raising of Lazarus

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 11:25-27 & John 11:33-43
Date: 5.14.2023

We continue our study of the Gospel of John with a look at the raising of Lazarus in John 11. Together we'll see how this miracle is significant and meaningful in John's Gospel in a number of ways!

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life

Speaker: Nick Shorts
Scripture Reading: John 11:1-27
Date: 5.7.2023

Before the followers of Jesus witness the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus, it appears as though all hope is lost. However, Jesus shows us that suffering is not without purpose.

Jesus and His Sheep

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 10:22-42
Date: 4.30.2023

As we continue our study of John’s Gospel, Jesus, in John 10, continues to use the Shepherd/sheep metaphor to help us understand what it means to be in relationship with Him.

The Life that Jesus Offers

Speaker: Nick Shorts
Scripture Reading: John 10:1-21
Date: 4.23.2023

Every person longs for a good and satisfying life. In the beginning of John 10, Jesus claims that He alone can offer this sort of life as both the means to obtain it and the fulfillment that our hearts long for.

Jesus and A Man Born Blind

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 9:1-7, John 9:13-17, John 9:32-41
Date: 4.16.2023

When Jesus heals a man born blind in John 9, everyone has questions for the man and for Jesus.

Treasuring the Truth of Jesus

Speaker: Bret Martin
Scripture Reading: John 8:30-59
Date: 4.2.2023

There is a difference between understanding truth and obeying truth.  Today’s passage cuts to the core of trusting Jesus and invites us to allow the truth of Jesus to transform our hearts.

I AM the Light of the World

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 8:12-30
Date: 3.26.2023

Everything that Jesus says is dripping with meaning and significance! So it is with his statement in John 8, "I AM the light of the world." In this message, we explore Jesus' claim and invitation.

Living Water

Speaker: Miles Nelson
Scripture Reading: John 7:37-39 & Rev 21:3-6
Date: 3.19.2023

Jesus uses the opportunity of a centuries-old tradition to move people away from religion and superstition to Himself as the true and only source of spiritual life.

Jesus and the Varied Response of the WORLD

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 7:1-14, 25-38
Date: 3.12.2023

We continue our study of the Gospel of John with a look at John 7 where we see the messy mixed response to Jesus and His Good News. These are the same ways people respond to Jesus today!

Nowhere else to go

Speaker: Miles Nelson
Scripture Reading: John 6:47-71
Date: 3.5.2023

Sometimes God’s word can be a refreshing balm to our souls. Other times God’s word can be difficult to understand and even more difficult to do. In the close of chapter 6, Jesus brings us to both the difficult truth of God’s sovereignty in our salvation, and the refreshing balm of his saving grace for our weary souls.

I AM the Bread of Life

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 6:25-40
Date: 2.26.2023

What does Jesus mean when He says, "I AM the bread of life?" In the message, as we continue our study of John's Gospel, we explore Jesus' claim and confidence in this extraordinary invitation in John 6.

Jesus and the Feeding of the 5000

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 6:1-27
Date: 2.19.2023

As we continue our study of the Gospel of John, the story of the feeding of the 5000 in John 6 is another of Jesus' signs that speak to the glory of who He is yesterday, today, and forever.

Jesus and His Witnesses

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 5:31-47
Date: 2.12.2023

Jesus continues His tense interaction with the Jewish leaders after His healing of the lame man on the Sabbath in John 5:31-47. Here He argues that the Jewish leaders should believe His claims and receive Him as Messiah on the basis of three witnesses. These three witnesses are how we ourselves can believe and receive Jesus, too.

Jesus and His Relationship with HIS Father

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 5:17-30
Date: 2.5.2023

John 5:17-30 is jam-packed with truth about the Triune God, the Sonship of Jesus, and us. It reminds us that each one of us must deal with and respond to the radical claims of Jesus.

Jesus and the Healing of a Paralytic

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 5:1-18
Date: 1.29.2023

John 5 represents a turning point in John’s Gospel as Jesus now begins to proclaim Himself publicly through signs and discourses. Not surprisingly, the response to Jesus is mixed.

Jesus and the Official's Son

Speaker: Bret Martin
Scripture Reading: John 4:46-54
Date: 1.22.2023

Jesus polarizes people in today’s world—yet He is the only One who gives new life. Today’s passage invites us to believe in Jesus, grow in deeper connection with Him, and share Him with others.

Jesus and How He Shares the Gospel

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 4
Date: 1.15.2023

We're hanging out with Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the well of Sychar in John 4 one more time together as we learn from Jesus how He shares the Gospel. This is a MasterClass in evangelism!

Jesus and the Harvest

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 4:25-42
Date: 1.8.2023

We take up the story of Jesus and the woman of Samaria in John 4 one more time to explore all this story teaches us about sharing our faith with others who don't yet know Jesus.

Jesus and a Samaritan Woman

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 4:1-30
Date: 12.18.2022

It doesn't matter who we are or what we've done, we need Jesus. All of us. John 4 reminds us.

Jesus and John the Baptist

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 3:22-36
Date: 12.11.2022

John 3 begins with Nicodemus coming to Jesus at night with unbelieving questions. It ends with John the Baptist pointing to Jesus with humble, faith-filled proclamations. We're meant to see the contrast and consider our own response to Jesus.

Jesus & Nicodemus - Part 2

Speaker: Miles Nelson
Scripture Reading: John 3:9-21
Date: 12.4.2022

We can look to many things and people in life to make us feel alive and to make us feel loved. Things and people can be our functional saviors–money, power, success, family, community, etc. However, Jesus tells us a better place to look for life, love, and light. We must look to Him.

Jesus & Nicodemus - Part 1

Speaker: Miles Nelson
Scripture Reading: John 3:1-8 & John 3:16-17
Date: 11.27.2022

Many people run from God, and they aren’t born again. Many people go to church, but they aren’t born again. In the beginning of His famous conversation with the religious leader Nicodemus, Jesus explains who the new birth is for, what it gives, and what it does.

Jesus & the Temple

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 2:13-25
Date: 11.20.2022

This week in our study of John, we come to Jesus’ cleansing of the temple and consider what this teaches us about Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God.  

Jesus & the Wedding at Cana

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 2:1-12
Date: 11.13.2022

The very first miracle that Jesus performed was turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Why is this the first miracle and what does it mean? We explore these questions as we look at this fun and curious story in John 2:1-12 and we continue our study of the Gospel of John.

Jesus & His First Followers

Speaker: Bret Martin
Scripture Reading: John 1:35-51
Date: 10.30.2022

Jesus’ words “follow me” are an open invitation to a thriving life in Christ. Today’s message highlights 3 aspects of a believing response to Jesus in light of who Jesus is, what He came to do, and what He’s calling us to.

Jesus & the First Witness

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 1:19-34
Date: 10.23.2022

After a poetic prelude, the story of the life of Jesus really begins in John's Gospel with the witness of John the Baptist. Both HOW John shares about Jesus and WHAT John shares about Jesus are worthy of our exploration.

Glory Light

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18
Date: 10.16.2022

In this message, we continue our contemplation of the "poetic prelude" that opens John's Gospel and what it means for us.

Creation Light

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 1:1-13
Date: 10.9.2022

In this message, we jump into the first verses of The Gospel of John and immediately discover that John begins really different than the other three Gospels. John begins with an intriguing poetic prelude/preview that sets up the rest of the book.

Fall Kick-Off

An Intro to the book of John

Speaker: Tim Theule
Scripture: John 1:14
Date: 10.2.2022

This message centered around John 1:14, preached at our outdoor 2022 Fall Kick Off at the Madonna Meadow, reflects on why Jesus is worth finding and following; and worthy of our worship and our everything.


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