TBRI® Caregiver Training

Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) is an evidence-based parenting intervention model that is an attachment based, trauma informed intervention, designed for children who have experienced early trauma or stress. When children experience trauma it is often difficult for them to trust the loving adults in their lives, which often results in perplexing behavior. TBRI offers practical tools for parents and others who work with children to see past these perplexing behaviors to meet the needs of the child and create felt safety. The heartbeat of TBRI is Connection which addresses relational and attachment needs. It has been used effectively with children and youth of all ages and all risk levels.

The training is offered in four sessions, (12 hours total) and provided by TBRI practitioners and foster/adoptive parents Dori Iunker and Cynthia Fletcher. Join our Live Online Instruction to get practical tips and tools to use in your home.

To register, please call (805) 781-1705

TBRI Classes

Introduction & Overview: Class #1 of 4
Date: September 14
Trust-based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles to address attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors.

Connecting Principles: Class #2 of 4
Date: September 21
Learn what secure attachment looks like between children and caregivers, as well as hands on ways to help build a connection with your child. Understand the impact attachment history can have on children’s behavior and gain insight and awareness about how our own attachment history influences the way we care for children. You will also learn appropriate proactive strategies to meet your child’s physical needs.

Empowering: Class #3 of 4
Date: September 23
Learn about the physiological/internal roots of children's behavior, strategies for meeting children's sensory needs and tools for making the environment feel safe and predictable for children. This session focuses a great deal on Sensory Processing and has hands on application.

Correcting: Class #4 of 4
Date: October 14
Walk away with an understanding of how to balance structure and nurture during interactions with children while having changed behavior. We will learn how to help our children feel more connected to us as their caregiver by using TBRI® IDEAL Response© and Levels of Response™ when needing to correct problematic behaviors.