Care for the Fatherless

Our goal is to find a home for every child and support for every home.

Our ministry team seeks to train and support foster and adoptive families and to raise up a team of Support Friends for every foster family. Three realities compel us towards adoption and foster care:

  1. Family is created by God.

  2. The Gospel is all about adoption.

  3. The Bible speaks repeatedly about God’s care and our responsibility to care for the fatherless, as the people of God.

God designed and ordained marriage and the human family as the building block of human society and human flourishing. Therefore, children belong in families. The Gospel is the good news of God’s grace in the person and saving work of Jesus Christ to bring lost, blind, spiritually dead sinners into His eternal family. As those who have been adopted, we are eager to promote and practice adoption and foster care. The Bible speaks repeatedly about God’s care and our responsibility to care for orphans, as the people of God. ( Deut. 10:18Ps. 10:14Is. 1:17Jer. 22:3James 1:27 ). 

Want to get involved? Send us an email.

Programs & Events


Foster The Central Coast

Ensuring all foster families in our community have a committed support team.

TBRI Caregiver Training

Offering practical tools to care for children who have experienced early trauma or stress.

Welcoming Children Home

Adoption & Foster Care Conference